
About Us

ENGLISH EDUCATORS SOCIETY is a Facebook Group founded by Online English Teachers that expertise in ESL Education. The group was founded in 2013 to help aspiring English Teachers (both online and offline) to find jobs and gain important knowledge about being an Educator and to find legitimate online and offline academies that are looking for qualified teachers.

For the first few months, the group only had over 100 members. The group was made to be a private forum, to prevent spammers from taking advantage of job seekers. All posts and registration are being monitored and approved by the admins to protect the safety and the quality of the advertisers, job hunters, advertisements and the given information on their posts.

In January of 2015, the founder decided to build this blog to spread good news and to widen its audience. EES can proudly inform educators in the making and the educators themselves that we are here to help them gather more wisdom and knowledge about English Education. We built this blog to extend our hands to our audience; we serve as their medium in gathering facts and guide them to their journey as Educators.

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